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Frying Pan vs Saute Pan! Things To Know Before Buying!

The culinary world is abundant with tools designed to make cooking a breeze, but perhaps none are as indispensable as the classic frying pan and sauté pan. Although these pans share similarities, they are far from interchangeable. The decision between a frying pan and a sauté pan isn’t a trivial one; it can significantly impact your cooking experience and the quality of your dishes.

Each type of pan is engineered for specific cooking techniques, and their material composition, heat distribution, size, handle design, weight, oven safety, lid availability, durability, price, and target audience vary considerably.

Whether you are a professional chef seeking a specialized tool for your culinary masterpieces or a home cook aiming for practicality, it’s crucial to understand the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between these kitchen stalwarts.

This comprehensive guide delves into each of these considerations, helping you make an informed choice before you add that new frying pan or sauté pan to your kitchen arsenal.


Frying Pan vs Sauté Pan! What’s the difference?


Type of Cooking

Frying pans are designed with a wide base and sloping sides, making them ideal for tasks that involve flipping, like frying and sautéing.

Sauté pans, on the other hand, have straight sides and often come with a lid, making them more versatile for cooking techniques like braising, simmering, and deep sautéing.

Essentially, frying pans are better for quick, high-heat cooking, while sauté pans are more suitable for recipes requiring a variety of cooking techniques and the use of liquids.


Both frying pans and sauté pans come in a variety of materials, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that can significantly impact your cooking. Here’s how they compare:

Stainless Steel: Both frying and sauté pans are available in stainless steel, a popular choice for its durability and non-reactive nature. Stainless steel is great for high-heat cooking and browning but can suffer from uneven heat distribution unless it has an aluminum or copper core.

Cast Iron: This material is common for both types of pans and is prized for its excellent heat retention. However, it’s heavy and requires regular seasoning to maintain its non-stick surface.

Aluminum: Typically found in less expensive pans, aluminum is lightweight and conducts heat well. Both frying and sauté pans are available in aluminum, but it can react with acidic or alkaline foods unless coated with another material.

Non-Stick: Usually made of aluminum coated with a layer of Teflon, non-stick pans are easy to clean and require less oil for cooking. However, they aren’t suitable for high-heat cooking and the coating can wear off over time, necessitating replacement.

Copper: Less commonly used but excellent for precise temperature control. Copper pans are usually lined with another material like stainless steel to prevent reactivity with food.

Heat Distribution

Frying pans are often used for high-heat, quick cooking tasks like searing and sautéing. They usually have a wider base that comes into direct contact with the heat source, making materials like aluminum and copper desirable for their quick and even heat distribution. Some frying pans incorporate a layered or clad design with an aluminum or copper core enveloped by stainless steel to combine the benefits of even heating with durability.

Sauté pans, on the other hand, are commonly used for a variety of cooking techniques, from simmering to braising, that require steady and even heat distribution. In this case, heavier materials like cast iron or thick-bottomed stainless steel with a heat-conductive core are preferable. These materials retain heat well, enabling the pan to maintain a consistent temperature, thereby cooking food more evenly.


The size of the pan you choose will depend on your cooking needs.

Frying pans are often larger in diameter but shallower, whereas sauté pans may have a similar diameter but are deeper, offering more volume for foods and sauces.

Sizes generally range from 8 inches to upwards of 14 inches.

Handle Design

Frying pans often come with long, angled handles designed for ease of maneuverability. This design feature is particularly beneficial when you’re flipping or tossing food, like pancakes or stir-fries. Many frying pan handles are made of materials that stay cool on the stovetop, such as silicone or certain types of plastic. However, these materials may not be oven-safe, so if you’re planning to move your pan from stovetop to oven, look for a frying pan with a metal handle.

Sauté pans, on the other hand, usually feature shorter, upright handles, and may often include an additional “helper” handle on the opposite side of the main handle. This design makes it easier to lift the pan when it’s filled with heavier food or liquids, which is common with the simmering, sautéing, and braising techniques often performed in a sauté pan. The handles are often made from stainless steel or cast iron to withstand oven temperatures, which complements the pan’s versatility for both stovetop and oven cooking.


Frying pans are generally lighter, which makes them easier to maneuver for tasks like flipping, tossing, and sautéing. The lightweight nature is particularly beneficial when cooking dishes that require quick movement and high heat, like stir-fries or pancakes. However, lighter pans, particularly those made from aluminum, may not have the best heat retention capabilities and might not sit as securely on the burner, potentially leading to uneven cooking.

Sauté pans are often heavier, owing to their straight sides and sometimes thicker material like cast iron or layered stainless steel. The extra weight provides stability and better heat retention, beneficial for slower-cooking dishes that require even heat distribution, like braises or stews. However, the increased weight can make these pans more challenging to handle, especially when filled with food or liquids. Many sauté pans come with an additional “helper” handle to assist in lifting the pan, counteracting the weight issue to some extent.


Frying pans, particularly those with non-stick coatings or handles made from plastic or silicone, may not be oven-safe or may have a lower temperature limit. Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines to be sure. High-end frying pans with all-metal construction, including the handle, are usually oven-safe and offer the most flexibility for stovetop-to-oven recipes.

Sauté pans, designed to be versatile, often come with oven-safe features as a standard. This includes stainless steel or cast iron construction, both of which can usually withstand high oven temperatures. Additionally, the lid that often accompanies a sauté pan should also be checked for oven safety; glass lids, for example, may not be safe at high temperatures, whereas metal lids generally are.


The presence or absence of a lid can be a deal-breaker depending on your cooking needs.

Sauté pans usually come with a lid, making them suitable for simmering and braising.

Frying pans often don’t come with a lid, but some high-end models might offer this as an additional feature or separate purchase.


Frying pans are generally subject to high heat and quick-cooking methods like frying and searing. While non-stick pans are convenient for easy food release and clean-up, they tend to be less durable, particularly when used over high heat or when subjected to utensils that can scratch the surface. On the other hand, frying pans made of heavy-duty materials like stainless steel or cast iron can withstand the rigors of high-heat cooking but might require additional maintenance, like seasoning in the case of cast iron.

Sauté pans are designed to be versatile, accommodating a range of cooking methods from sautéing to simmering and braising. As a result, they often feature more robust construction, usually involving thicker walls and bottoms. Stainless steel sauté pans with an aluminum or copper core, or those made entirely of cast iron, offer excellent durability. These materials are resistant to warping, chipping, and scratching, making them ideal for long-term use.

Public and Audience

Frying pans are arguably more ubiquitous and tend to be favored by both beginners and experts alike. The design of a frying pan lends itself to straightforward cooking methods, making it easier for those new to cooking. It’s the go-to choice for quick sautés, stir-fries, and of course, frying. For this reason, frying pans are commonly found in smaller households, dorm rooms, and even as part of portable cooking kits for outdoor enthusiasts. They are the “everyday” pans that find utility across various cuisines and cooking styles.

Sauté pans, on the other hand, are often the choice of more experienced cooks or those who enjoy making more complex dishes. The design features, such as the deeper sides and often included lid, make sauté pans ideal for multi-step cooking processes like sautéing, simmering, and braising. These pans are more commonly found in well-equipped kitchens and are favored by those who consider cooking a serious hobby or even a profession.


Frying pans tend to be more budget-friendly, with options available across a wide spectrum. Basic aluminum non-stick pans can start as low as $15 to $25. Mid-range options made from quality stainless steel or with added features like a heat-distributing core may run between $40 and $80. High-end frying pans, often made from materials like copper or featuring multi-layer construction, can cost upwards of $100 to $200.

Sauté pans, due to their more robust construction and additional features like lids and helper handles, generally start at a higher price point. A decent stainless steel sauté pan can range from $50 to $100, while high-quality options with durable materials and excellent heat distribution can cost between $150 and $300.


At times it can be confusing to know whether you want to use a saute pan or a frying pan. Here are some factors you can consider to know which one is better:

What should you consider while deciding which is better for you!

Before starting learning about the difference between a frying pan and saute pan, it’s important that you should be familiar with what each of them looks like, how they work, and how to use them.

A saute pan is cookware that you can use for frying and browning your meat using less oil as compared to the traditional skillet or frying pan. If you would like to flip food over when cooking so it cooks on both sides then you should consider investing in a saute pan.

A frying pan is a long-handled utensil that has slanting sides and is deep enough to fry food in oil. If you want to cook your food using a small amount of oil, then investing in a frying pan would be the best option for you as compared to the straight-sided saute pan.

So, now you know what the difference is between a saute pan and a frying pan. If you want to cook your food using less oil then buy a saute pan otherwise, if you are confused about which one to use, just get yourself a skillet or frying pan.

In the case of both pans, you will need to have an understanding of how much heat you need to cook your food properly. To get the best out of both of these pans, you just need to know how much heat is required for each pan and then choose the one which suits your needs right! 

If you’re Looking for the best Frying Pan, we recommend Cuisinart Chef’s Classic that will cost you around $42.00

Frying Pan vs Saute Pan
