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Can a Robot Vacuum Help Messy Home Chefs in 2022?

Kneading Dough

I think you will all agree with me that cooking is an extremely exciting activity. However, the most eager chefs often get so immersed in the process that forget about all other secondary cooking tasks like keeping the kitchen clean.

Thus, the pleasure from tasty dishes is darkened by dirt and chaos not only on the cooking surfaces but even on the floor. Usually, we have no time or pay little attention to immediate floor cleaning, but such pollution is both disturbing and dangerous.

Robot vacuum cleaners may become a handy method of dealing with dirty and slippery kitchen floors. Moreover, our personal experience proved that these small devices are the best assistants for such issues.

Why? Let me explain!

How Can Robot Vacuum Help Messy Home Chefs?

Firstly: Robot vacuums may become of use in the kitchen because they remove all messes immediately, as we’ve discussed. With my bot, I’m safe from slipping and falling. Besides, the dirt won’t spread around the whole dwelling on my shoes or my dog’s paws.

The function is especially useful for young parents. Small kids drop and throw food all the time, so a cleaner will solve this problem.

Secondly: Vacuum cleaners save you a lot of time and need zero attention. You don’t have to participate in cleaning or control it. Just turn the vac on and enjoy your food while the device is doing all dirty work. Once again, parents will especially appreciate such wise time management. 

Thirdly: Robot vacuums cost much less than you may think. All models can deal with the tile and hard floors, which are typical for kitchens. All other features such as brushes, suction, performance depend on your requirements and budget. But even the most affordable devices will definitely cope with kitchen floors. You may easily find a nice model at $200.

Fourthly: A robot is much smaller than common vacuums. Thus, it will reach the most challenging areas of the kitchen, where manual cleaning is impossible. My device helps me deal with dirt under my low couch, fridge; it comes between chair legs and under the table, so I don’t have to lean for sweeping. Believe me, you should really try it!

Moreover, the elimination of food waste and dirt in hard-to-reach places significantly reduces the risk of cockroaches, rats, and other «pets».

Many people may suppose that a working robot will get in the way and rather disturb than help.

So, here is my final argument.

  • My vacuum supports the scheduling function. It means I can program the exact time of its operation. All I need is to set the time right after my cooking. By the way, many cheap models also support this technology!
  • For massive kitchen messes, I recommend choosing robots with medium suction (1000-1500 Pa). They are not too expensive as the most powerful devices for carpets but are potent enough to lift heavy particles like scattered rise or cornflakes.
  • Models with additional mopping function will become your favorite. Such devices eliminate both dry particles and wet messes (spilled water, sweet sticky liquids, dried spots).
  • Also, since robots will be extremely useful not only in the kitchen but also in the whole dwelling, try to pick up a universal device. So mind all floors you have (like carpets in the bedroom) before purchase.

The Internet is full of detailed and informative reviews on various robot vacuum cleaners. However, to crown it all, I’d like to tell you about our personal top 5 models for messy chefs and worry-free kitchen cleaning.

1. Roomba 960 – Expensive Yet Perfect Option for the Largest Kitchens

As an owner of Roomba 960, I can say that it’s perfect not only for the kitchen but also for the whole house. The bot provides excellent Dual Multi-Surface rubber brushes that automatically adjust to the surface height.

No particle will be missed thanks to 1700 Pa suction and patented Dirt Detection. The latter function allows the robot to determine the heaviest pollutions and increase effort when dealing with them.

Smart Mapping with patented iAdapt 2.0 and vSLAM technologies form precise row-by-row cleaning. Thus, the vac is the smartest. Roomba 960 easily finds messes in the kitchen and can hold up to 600 ml.

Though it cannot mop itself, the Imprint Link synchronization with Braava jet m6 robot mop opens you such an opportunity.

The cleaner comes with Dual Mode Virtual Barrier, runs for 75-90 minutes, and costs $400-$450.

2. iRobot Roomba 675 – Budget Dirt Detection

Customers on a budget who liked the 960 model should pay attention to Roomba 675. The vac is twice cheaper – $249. Though it lacks some smart technologies like precise navigation and Imprint Link, the basic features stayed unchanged.

Users get Dual Multi-Surface Auto-Adjustable rollers with one bristled brush, which is even better for hard floor cleaning. Sensor navigation is complemented by Dirt Detection; so, the robot will immediately notice and eliminate mess.

Moderate 600 Pa suction is enough for dealing with kitchen hard floors, and the same 75 minutes of runtime allows to cover the whole room on one charge.

The only minus is a small 350 ml bin. But it will suit small kitchens.

3. ILIFE V8s – The Best Budget 2-in-1 Mopping Option

The vacuum costs $250 only. For this funny money, you get two devices in one case – a vacuum and a mop.

A vacuum can offer 1000 Pa, which is more than enough for hard floors and low carpets; enhanced suction inlet perfect for large debris (skins, scattered cereals, etc.); and the biggest 750 ml dustbin.

The list of mopping features includes a capacious 350 ml water tank, a reusable pad, and smart Zigzag Cleaning Path technology.

The battery is enough for 100 minutes of non-stop cleaning, and the bot can automatically charge itself.

Please mind the lack of Wi-Fi support. Still, smart control and scheduling are available through the LCD display.

4. Coredy R500+ – The Most Affordable Price

Dry and wet cleaning has never been so affordable. The Chinese manufacturer offers this cheap 2-in-1 device with impressive 1400 Pa suction, a 500 ml dustbin, an efficient central roller brush, and as many as five modes for all cleaning scenarios.

Navigation and moving are random, but the model supports Boundary Strip.

All these pleasures will cost you $190 only. Still, be ready to sacrifice Wi-Fi connectivity – you’ll get a remote control instead.

I also recommend you look at other Coredy robot cleaners as they all offer quite democratic prices, but there are several smarter models.

5. Deebot N79S – The Golden Mean

Let me close my Top Five with ECOVACS product – Deebot N79S for dry cleaning. The vacuum has long been a best-seller on Amazon.

I love its balanced 1000 Pa power, which can be improved by Max mode activation to deal with the heaviest particles. The bin and battery are capacious enough to cover the whole dwelling, not mentioning the kitchen. A central roller will pick up all messes.

App and voice control are supported. Engineers preferred to keep budget navigation via sensors and improved it with logic Smart Motion paths. The vacuum goes in meat rows to prevent spot missing.


A robot vacuum cleaner is programed not to gather dust in any corner. Independent work, cleanliness support, additional sanitation, affordability – here is only a small part of its profit for chefs. Give it a chance, and you won’t recognize your kitchen anymore!
